Thursday, March 28, 2013

10 World's Highest Mountains

A mountain is a landform that stands above region sekitarnya.Tetapi usually require about 2,000feet (610 m) to be defined as a mountain.Lots of mountain lay on the earth in any hemisphere, but there are some unique high mountain even very high up in the roof called the world to invite climbers from all over the world to climb Those vying to grab the title of 'Conqueror of the highest peaks in the world 'a very prestisius.Dan here 10 list of the highest mountain in the world, but unique in the world's 10 highest mountains in the Himalayas.

1. Mount Everest
     Height: 8850 m
 Location: China (Tibet)-Nepal

K2 is the second highest mountain in the world. in dubbed also "cruel mountains" because of the difficulty to climb, rather than Mount Everest.itu caused the bad weather. In 2004, only 246 people who managed to climb to the top. At least 56 people died while trying to climb it.

  3. Kangchenjunga
      Location: Nepal - India
856 m

 There are some variations in terms of size (Government of Nepal - China has not formally endorsed the size, the height of Mount Everest is 8,848 m is considered by them). Mount Everest was first measured in 1856 has a height of 8839 m, but is stated as 8840 m (29 002 ft). Additional 0.6 m (2 ft) indicates that at that time the exact height of 29,000 feet will be treated as a rounded estimate. A common estimate at this point is 8850 m were obtained by reading the Global Positioning System (GPS). Himalayas still growing higher due to tectonic plate movement area.
  2. Mount K2 (chogori)
      Location: Pakistan - China (Tibet)
     Height: 8.611m
 K2 is the second highest mountain in the world. in dubbed also "cruel mountains" because of the difficulty to climb, rather than Mount Everest.itu caused the bad weather. In 2004, only 246 people who managed to climb to the top. At least 56 people died while trying to climb it.

  3. Kangchenjunga
      Location: Nepal - India
      Height: 8586 m

is the third highest mountain in the world. The mountain is also the 2nd highest mountain in Nepal.Kangchenjunga means "Five Treasures of Snow, because it consists of five peaks, four of them reaching over 8450 meters. Hidden treasure that represents five possessions of the gods of gold, silver, gems, grains and holy books. Kangchenjunga called Sewalungma in Limbu language and consecrated in religious traditions Kirant. Three of the five top (main, central, and south) to limit areas of North Sikkim district of Sikkim, India and Taplejung District of Nepal, and 2 were another was in Taplejung District. addition, the area is also used as Kangchenjunga Conservation Area Project by the World Wildlife Fund, the Red Panda protect animals, birds, and plants typical of Nepal. Sections India also has a protected area in a National Park Khangchendzonga.

4. Mount Lhotse
     Height: 8516 m
     Location: Nepal - China (Tibet)

Mountain with an elevation (27,940 feet) is the fourth largest mountain in the world and is one of the groups that formed the peak of Mount Everest.
5. Mount Makalu
     Height: 8.463 m
     Location: Nepal - China (Tibet)
Makalu is the fifth highest mountain in the world. This mountain has a unique shape in the form of four-sided pyramid and is located just 19 miles southeast of Mount Everest.

6. Mount Cho Oyu
      Height: 8201 m
      Likasi: Nepal - China (Tibet).
Gunung Cho Oyu        Tinggi : 8.201 m        Likasi : Nepal - Cina(Tibet) Cho Oyu is the sixth highest mountain in the world is. The location is not too far from the west and Lotse Everest, Khumbu region which is along the eastern border of Nepal and Tibet. The peak stands majestically along with Everest and surrounding mountains. It became a landmark well known to climbers who climb Everest from the north wall west of Cho Oyu utara.Disebelah, there Nangpa La, a glacier at 19,000 feet high, which is a barter trade route between the Khumbu Sherpas and Tibet.


  7. Mount Dhaulagiri
      Height: 8167 m
      Location: Nepal

Dhaulagiri is the seventh highest mountain in the world. Form the eastern anchor of the Dhaulagiri Himal, a subrange of the Himalaya in northern Nepal Dhawalagiri Zone. It is located in the northwest of Pokhara, an important regional town and tourist center.


8. Mount Manaslu
    Height: 8163 m
       Location: Nepal

Nepal Manaslu is the eighth highest mountain in the world, located in Mansiri Himal, part of the Himalayas, Nepal. Manaslu word derived from the Sanskrit word, Manasa and is translated as "Mountain Soul". Manaslu is the highest peak in the Gurkha and is located about forty miles east of Annapurna, the tenth highest mountain.

  9. Mount Nanga Parbat
      Height: 8126 m
      Location: Pakistan

Nanga Parbat is a mountain of pride of Pakistan. The mountain is located in the northern part of the country. It is the ninth largest mountain in the world. In degree of difficulty, terrain mountain Nanga Parbat is called as heavy as K2. Difficult terrain on the mountain makes it earned the nickname "The Man Eater".

10. Mount Annapurna
       Height: 8.091m
       Location: Nepal

Mount Annapurna, a high mountain in the Himalayan mountain range in Nepal has several peaks. With its main peak as high as 8091 meters above sea level. In addition, the Annapurna mountain also has several names, including Annporna and Morshiadi.

That's the list of 10 highest mountains in the world who all come from the mountains Himalaya.dan still four more mountain with an altitude above 8000 m, and it is still of the Himalayas. namely:

11. Gasherbrum I, Karakoram Mountains, Pakistan / China, 26.470 ft / 8.068 m.
12. Broad peaks, Karakoram Mountains, Pakistan / China, 26.400 ft / 8.047 m.
13. Gasherbrum II, Karakoram Mountains, Pakistan / China, 26.360 ft / 8.035 m.
14. Shishapangma-Gosainthan, the Himalayas, Tibet, 26.289 ft / 8.013 m.
